JPIL U14 2020

Classification 13/14th

PA Accelerated

3 - 3 (1 - 2 SO)

Official '

FHC of Connecticut (FHCC)

First Half PA Accelerated FHC of Connecticut (FHCC) 20'
Second Half PA Accelerated FHC of Connecticut (FHCC) 40'
Shootout Detail
PA Accelerated 1
FHC of Connecticut (FHCC) 2


Team Minute Shirt # Player Action Score
FHC of Connecticut (FHCC) 7 64 ROSCHEN Caroline Penalty Corner 0 - 1
FHC of Connecticut (FHCC) 10 10 AHL Storey Field Goal 0 - 2
PA Accelerated 27 32 PAUL McKenna Field Goal 1 - 2
FHC of Connecticut (FHCC) 28 40 OZGEN Tyla Penalty Corner 1 - 3
PA Accelerated 35 34 HAYS Reese Penalty Corner 2 - 3
PA Accelerated 38 34 HAYS Reese Field Goal 3 - 3

Shootout Detail

Team Attacker Defender Result Score
FHC of Connecticut (FHCC) ROSCHEN Caroline YANITY Katharine Goal 0 - 1
PA Accelerated RIFE Kylie NINIOS Alexia Goal 1 - 1
FHC of Connecticut (FHCC) OZGEN Tyla YANITY Katharine No Goal 1 - 1
PA Accelerated GREENE Delaney NINIOS Alexia No Goal 1 - 1
FHC of Connecticut (FHCC) STRANGE Charlotte YANITY Katharine Goal 1 - 2
PA Accelerated HAYS Reese NINIOS Alexia No Goal 1 - 2

Card Detail

G - Green, Y - Yellow, R - Red
Team Minute Shirt # Player Type Umpire
FHC of Connecticut (FHCC) 32 10 AHL Storey G

Match Officials

Role Official
Umpire BACCHETTA Briana (USA)
Reserve Umpire
Scoring Judge
Timing Judge
Technical Officer WILFONG Peg (USA)
Technical Delegate SANDS-CORL Regina (USA)

Head to Head Matches

U14 Coed Indoor
Competition Details Date/Time Teams Pitch Status Scoreline
JPIL U14 2020 U14 Coed Indoor 8 Feb 2020 15:40 PA ACCEL v FHCC (Classification 13/14th) TOTAL - Court 1 Official 3 - 3 (1 - 2 SO) Lineup
JPIL U14 2020 U14 Coed Indoor 28 Dec 2019 15:40 PA ACCEL v FHCC (Pool A) CMP HILL - Court 2 Official 0 - 2 Lineup

Match Details

Competition JPIL U14 2020
U14 Coed Indoor
Match # 93
Date/Time 2020-02-08 15:40
Title Classification 13/14th
Venue Total Turf - Court 1
Weather at Pushback Overcast Clouds 4C

Match Awards

Award Player Team